Reviews of Attainable Hi-Fi & Home-Theater Equipment

Reviews of Attainable Hi-Fi & Home-Theater Equipment

To Hans Wetzel,

I just saw your latest post on SoundStage! Access. I’ve had a pair of KEF R7s since mid-October (I think I got one of the first pair in the US from KEF Direct), and I think you will love them. Mine are driven by a Hegel Music Systems H160, by the way. [They’re] my first KEFs, so I don’t know how they compare to the R700s, but I will tell you my experience. They take a while to break in. Out of the box they were pretty hollow/forward, not what I’d call “bright,” because [they’re] not harsh, just a bit lean in the upper bass/lower mids. I’ve come to conclude that this is apparently consistent with KEFs “house” sound and is how they accomplish the whole “transparency and detail” thing without any excess midbass muddying things up. My previous speakers were Sonus Faber Venere 3.0s, which, of course, lean (too heavily, perhaps) to the warmer side of things, so it was a bit of an adjustment for my ears/brain. But, now that they’ve run in (100+ hours) and I’ve gotten used to them, I am very happy with the R7s. I kept the Veneres just for the hell of it, and am looking forward to putting them back into the system in a few months to see if they sound slow and syrupy in comparison to the KEFs. If so, I will sell them. I love reading all your reviews and comments, as most of your systems are in my preferred price range. Cheers!!!!

Lon Thompson
United States

Thanks for reading, Lon, and I appreciate your feedback. I’m not surprised that you enjoy the R7s so much, as KEF knows what they’re doing. That said, your Sonus Fabers are no slouches, and certainly look the business even though they’re several years old. I’m not sure when we’ll be able to get in speakers to review from KEF’s updated R series, but we’re going to try and line up our samples with other writers. I think I’ve developed the reputation of being “The KEF Guy,” and the fact is that there are tons of other companies -- Sonus Faber included -- that are making excellent loudspeakers. I’m hoping that in 2019 I can gain exposure to new brands and loudspeakers that our readers might appreciate. . . . Hans Wetzel